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RC 90/Shelter -95 : rapport från vapenverkansförsök. Bilaga 3 : Test data
Wirén Tommy
Räddningsverket (SRV)
Sammanfattning Bilaga 3 till huvudrapporten RC 90 / Shelter-95, Rapport från vapenverkansförsök, T 84-350/96. Denna bilaga innehåller en sammanfattning av de data som framkommit i testerna. The Swedish Rescue Services Agency tested during August 1995 components for Rescue Centres and Shelters at Kirtland Airforce Base with the support from DNA and ARA. The tests also included surveying and collection of data on fragment effects from MK 82 bombs. The purpose was to use the information to calculate the vulnerability of different RC 90 and shelter concepts as this type of bomb is regarded as the design weapon for the Swedish installations.