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Fuels as contaminants in water - Chemical content, odour thresholds, ecotoxicological data and evaporation of VOC:s to air
Strandberg Johan, Abdalal Omar, Backlund Arvid, Bornold Niclas, Cascone Claudia, Egelrud Liselott, Giovanoulis Georgios, Hållén Joakim, Nilsson Martin, Potter Annika, Thorsén Gunnar, Waldetoft Hannes
Oil spills, the most frequent environmental incidents in Sweden, have decreased in recent years but still pose risks to drinking water and aquatic ecosystems, with about 600 cases registered annually by the Swedish Fire Protection Association. Yet, detailed information about modern fuels and their environmental and human health impacts remains scarce. Hence, this study focuses on enhancing the understanding of the environmental impact of common fuels.