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Damage to Reinforced Concrete Slabs Due to the Combination of Blast and Fragment Loading
Forsén Rickard, Nordström Mikael
Försvarets forskningsanstalt (FOA)
Dealing with the effects from most conventional weapons to buildings it is not sufficient just to look at the blast effects but also to the effects from steel fragments from the weapons. Recently a test series has been started in order to systematically determine the decrase of lateral load bearing capacity of reinforced concrete slabs due to fragment loading with different areal densities, velocities, weight and shape. The first experiments in this series with different fragment areal densities (kg/m2) will here be presented. Calculations of deflection due to the combination of blast and fragment loading, with input from the test results, show that for most conventional weapons and load bearing walls of reinforced concrete in ordinary buildings, it does not matter if the blast or the fragments reaches the wall first.