A study of reasons for living in the high-risk community Old Coronation in South Africa Ljungberg, Andreas · Wier, Martin Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2012 Öppna dokument
Institutionalising gender equality in disaster risk reduction: DRR challenges and impacts on women and men, girls and boys in the context of a changing climate Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) · Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) 2013 Öppna dokument
Long-range transport om ammonia released in a major chemical accident at Ionava, Lithuania Kukkonen J · Savolainen A L · Valkama I 1993 Öppna dokument
Measurement of the efficiency of a water spray system against diesel oil pool and spray fires Arvidson Magnus · Ingason Haukur Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut (SP) 2005 Öppna dokument
How can the business benefit of business continuity planning be measured? : a case study at AstraZeneca Degerfalk Lisa · Larsson Mattias Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2006 Öppna dokument
Bridge monitoring to allow for reliable dynamic FE modelling : a case study of the new Årsta railway bridge Wiberg Johan Kungliga Tekniska högskolan 2006 Öppna dokument
En sammanställning av kunskaper och erfarenheter kring Klass A-skum och CAFS : Brandforsk projekt 516-021 Persson Henry Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut (SP) 2005 Öppna dokument
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest : a study on factors associated with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, early defibrillation and survival Hollenberg Jacob Karolinska institutet 2008 Öppna dokument
Can we learn from the heritage lost in a fire? : Experiences and practises on the fire protection of historic buildings in Finland, Norway and Sweden Laurila Anu (red.) National board of antiquities 2004 Öppna dokument
Disaster Medicine- performance indicators, information support and documentation : a study of an evaluation tool Rüter Anders Linköpings Universitet 2006 Öppna dokument