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Lessons learnt from tunnel accidents : NEDIES project
Colombo Alessandro G.
European Commission
Innehåll 2.1 Fire in the Mont Blanc Tunnel (France) Aristide CHINAL and Jean-Guy LAURENT (Prefecture of the sud-est area, Lyon) 2.2 Tauern Tunnel Accident (Austria) Rudolf Hörhan (Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna) 2.3 Pfänder Tunnel Accident (Austria) Huber Vetter (Office of the Government of the Province of Vorarlberg) 2.4 Channel Tunnel Fire (UK) Williams Welsh (Kent Fire Brigade, Tovil) 2.5 Fire in the Seljestad Tunnel (Norway) Hans Kristian Madsen (Directorate for Fire and Explosion Prevention, Tonsberg) 2.6 Amsterdam Metro Fire (The Netherlands) Sjirk Mejier (Ministry of the Interior, Fire Service, The Hague) 2.7 Rail-car Fire in the Exilles Tunnel (Italy) Fabrizio Colcerasa (Ministry of the Interior, Civil Protection Directorate General, Rome) 2.8 HGV Fire in the Prapontin Tunnel (Italy) Fabrizio Colcerasa (Ministry of the Interior, Civil Protection Directorate General, Rome) 2.9 Fire in the Munich Candid Tunnel (Germany) Wolfgang Schäuble (Fire Department, Munich) OTHER EXPERIENCE 3.1 The Emergency Preparedness Issue and Fixed Links (Denmark) Claes Morch (Danish Emergency Management Agency, Birkerod) 3.2 Safety Measures Implemented in the Encumenda Tunnel (Portugal) Luis Sousa (Regional Service for Civil Protection, Madeira)