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Capabilities of fire services to limit damage from nuclear attack : Final report
Ramstad R W, Martin S B
The objective of the reported research was to develop a general analytical method for evaluating the potential effectiveness of fire services under nuclear attack conditions and to determine a set of modes of fire-service operation which would make the best use of the fire services. This study is a continuation of earlier research conducted under OCD Work Units 2512A and 2522E. Its approach is to extend the concepts and analytical methods developed in the earlier studies and to apply them in the analysis of: (1) the feasibility of various fire-service tactics and activities, and (2) the levels of performance and relative effectiveness of fire-service operations when various concepts of preattack deployment, augmentation (with nonprofessional manpower), strategies, and tactics are emploued in meeting transattack demands. The quantitative evaluation of fire-service effectiveness requires analytical expressions describing the performance of each of the candidate damge-control tasks. Some of these were derived in the earlier studies. The development of additional relationships was accomplished during the investigation reported here.