Compressed air foam for structural fire fighting: A field test Boston, Massachusetts Routley J. Gordon Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 1999 Öppna dokument
Quantitative risk analysis procedure for the fire evacuation of a road tunnel : an illustrative example Persson Mattias Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2002 Öppna dokument
Simulation of critical evacuation conditions for a fire scenario involving cables and comparison of two different cables van Hees, Patrick · Nilsson, Daniel · Berggren, Emil Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2010 Öppna dokument
Chemical Detection of Fire Accelerants in Car Fires by Methods of the Gas- Chromatography Coupled to a Mass Detector Hofmann Arndt Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2005 Öppna dokument
Numerical simulation of a model scale tunnel fire test : Brandforskprojekt 404-011 Ingason Haukur · Seco Fredric Sveriges Provnings- och Forskningsinstitut (SP) 2005 Öppna dokument
Semi-quantitative valuation of risk treatment : A model for premium distribution based on fire loss prevention Möller Therés Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2007 Öppna dokument
Risks in using CFD-codes for analytical fire-based design in buildings with a focus on FDS:s handling of underventilated fires Björklund, Anders Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2009 Öppna dokument
Risk reduction by use of passive fire protection : a study regarding implementation of new installations offshore Andersen, Christian · Lindholm, Christofer Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2008 Öppna dokument
Combustion products from fires : influence from ventilation conditions Andersson Berit Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2003 Öppna dokument
Numerical modelling of self-compacting concrete flow : discrete and continuous approach Gram Annika 2009 Öppna dokument