Implementation guide for addressing water-related disasters and transboundary cooperation : integrating disaster risk management with water management and climate change adaptation United Nations (UN) 2018 Öppna dokument
A Model for Due Diligence Analysis of Non-financial Risks and Their Management : The DANFiRM Model Norén Johan · Åhnberg Niclas Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2007 Öppna dokument
Emergency response and recovery : Non statutory guidance accompanying the civil contingencies act 2004 HM Government 2009-07-31 Öppna dokument
Aircraft accident report : Uncontrolled descent and collision with terrain United Airlines flight 585, Boeing 737-200, N999UA 4 miles south of Colorado Springs municipal airport National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) 2001 Öppna dokument