Final report : a participatory method for need based capacity development projects and programmes Becker Per · Petersen Kurt · Tehler Henrik Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2011 Öppna dokument
Accidents and poverty in the developing world: a review of current research and thinking :report commissioned by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency Affeltranger Bastien · Thomasson Fredrik Räddningsverket (SRV) 2005 Öppna dokument
A guide to road clearance Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) 2008 Öppna dokument
BOILEX 2011 Final exercise report : Baltic Oil Spill Exercise 27-29 September 2011, Nynäshamn Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) 2012 Öppna dokument
The Buncefield incident 11 December 2005 : The final report of the major incident investigation board : volume 1 2008 Öppna dokument
The Buncefield incident 11 December 2005 : The final report of the major incident investigation board : volume 2 2008 Öppna dokument
The effect of heat waves on mortality in susceptible groups: a cohort study of a mediterranean and a northern European City Oudin Åström Daniel · Schifano Patrizia · Asta Federica · Lallo Adele · Michelozzi Paola · Rocklöv Joacim · Forsberg Bertil World Health Organization (WHO) 2015 Öppna dokument
Exercises with a purpose : A proposal for a new HELCOM RESPONSE exercise planning process Eriksson Pär · Zouave Erik Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut (FOI) 2019 Öppna dokument
A comparison between risk and vulnerability methods : applied to a Flue Gas Desulphurisation Facility (FGD) at a coal power plant in Germany Einarsson Svante Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2008 Öppna dokument
Proactive risk management in a dynamic society Rasmussen Jens · Svedung Inge Räddningsverket (SRV) 2000 Öppna dokument