Pilot study : modeling of wildfires Hansen Rickard Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH) 2008 Öppna dokument
Full-scale fire experiments with mining vehicles in an underground mine Hansen Rickard · Ingason Haukur Mälardalens högskola 2013 Öppna dokument
Study on forest fire detection with satellite data Milz, Mathias Luleå tekniska universitet (LTU) 2013 Öppna dokument
Preliminary study on the role of moisture and extractives of ornamental plants on the flammability Larsson Marcus · Lundqvist Micael Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 1997 Öppna dokument
Study of heat release rates of mining vehicles in underground hard rock mines Hansen Rickard Mälardalen University 2015 Öppna dokument
Research helps the fighting of a silo fire again Persson Henry · Blom Joel Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut (SP) 2008 Öppna dokument
Fire evacuation in underground transportation systems: a review of accidents and research Fridolf, Karl Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH) 2010 Öppna dokument
Spontaneous ignition of biofuels - a literature survey of theoretical and experimental methods Blomqvist Per · Persson Bror Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (SP) 2010 Öppna dokument
Silo fires - simulation of gas injection in a porous bed Freindorf Mickaël Swedish National Testing and Research Institute (SP) 2008 Öppna dokument
Lighting Fires and the Right of Public Access : Things to consider when lighting a campfire or barbecue outdoors Naturvårdsverket · Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) 2021 Öppna dokument