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Methods and techniques for postattack manpower utilization
Snyder M B
Human Sciences Research Inc
This report deals with the techniques and methods for effectively utilizing manpower in a postattack situation. Section II reviews the traditional manpower operations and the factors operating on them in a postattack situation. It is then shown how the dominant recovery effort, the constraints upon operations, and the emphasis placed upon various criteria would change during three recovery stages. The conclusion is reached that in general, the postattack manpower unit will be operating in an environment so different from the present that the present organization of functions and approaches to manpower utilization will probably be inappropriate and inadequate to handle the postattack problems. Thus, a vew look at methods and procedures for utilizing manpower is clearly warranted. Section III presents a new approach to manpower utilization with implications for planning in the preattack world. The concept of the Manpower Utilization Subsystem (MUS) is defined. Schematic flow charts show changes in emphasis in the MUS from the normal preattack situation through the various postattack stages. Section IV discusses the use of the MUS concept in recovery systems planning and alternative approaches to manpower planning.