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Blast Loading of Rapid-Closing Anti-Blast Valve Temet 200
Karlin Arne
Fortifikationsförvaltningen (FortF)
The Temet Oy PV-200 valve fitted with the new stainless hub that was developed during the series of tests easily resisted three 2.0 MPa loads. The valve disc also closes under blast loadings with low pulse strengths (see shot 1, Table 1). The 200 mm diameter Temet valve with the steel hub has the designation PV-60-200-1. After consultation with Temet, the valve was not tested for loads higher than 2.09 MPa. If the valve is fitted with an aluminium hub (visible "bolt heads"), the maximum allowable load is not regarded as being in excess of 1 MPa. The clearance that occurs between the disc unit and the hub sleeve does not affect the safety or ventilation functions. At the request of the Civil Defence Administration, FortF has performed a blast loading test of an antiblast valve, with the type designation PV-200, manufactured by the Finnish company Temet Oy. In 1970, a Temet Oy valve with the type designation PSV-250 was tested. The results are given in FortF Report 104:9.