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Utrymning genom tät rök : beteende och förflyttning
Frantzich Håkan, Nilsson Daniel
Lunds tekniska högskola (LTH)
Följande rapport, finansierad av BRANDFORSK, redovisar de utrymningsförsök som utfördes hösten 2002. Syftet med försöken var att undersöka om det var möjligt att finna ett förhållande mellan gånghastighet och röktäthet, samt att, om möjligt, verifiera data som tagits fram av Tadahisa Jin i Japan på 1970-talet. Dessutom skulle utrymmande personernas beteende studeras och möjligheten att förbättra utrymningssituationen genom att använda olika hjälpmedel undersökas. Abstract This report describes evacuation experiments, which were performed in a smoke filled tunnel. The tunnel was filled with artificial smoke and acetic acid was used to achieve irritation of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. In the experiments 46 persons walked through the tunnel one at a time, while they were filmed with infra red cameras. All participants answered a questionnaire and some were also interviewed. In the experiment different equipment was tested. The equipment included flashing lights at the emergency exits and directional guiding lights indicating the direction to an exit. In the report the relationship between walking speed and smoke density is presented and analysed. The participants´ behaviour in the tunnel is also described and the important results from the questionnaires and interviews are presented. The report also includes a suggested alternative design of emergency exits.
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